Sunday, September 11, 2005

Cambodia bicycling

Bicycles are a way of life in Cambodian villages, where motorized vehicles and the infrastructure to support them don't exist. According to the photographer, Michaela Hackner, most of the bikes ridden by children are way too big for them. "Instead, the children stood on the pedals instead of reaching the seat with their butts" because their parents can't afford a smaller bike.

Michaela is in Cambodia as a Mickey Leland International Hunger Fellow working for Pact Cambodia, an NGO working to empower people to earn a dignified living, raise healthy families and participate in democratic life. As a Pact Associate working on working the Self-WORTH Women's Empowerment Program, Michaela is involved establishing self-supporting women's groups that evolve into village banks that generate income and provide social cohesion.

Michaela blogs from Phnom Penh about her experiences in Thoughts From The Girl Next Door.

feature photo. Tags:,

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