Monday, February 23, 2009

Podium Girls Joanna and Kristen

Markus Neuert of CycleFilm asked Tour of California podium girls Kristen and Joanna about their important jobs on the stage race podium.

Meet Kristen and Joanna - Amgen Tour of California 2009 Podium Girls from Cyclefilm on Vimeo.

"My main job is to make sure they get on stage and that they get kissed by the podium girls."

Does anybody know how the whole "podium girls" tradition began?


  1. Perhaps it began as a way to promote bloodflow to those parts of the cyclists' bodies that tend to get numb after 4-6 hours on the saddle...

  2. If only they weren't so ditsy. Did you see Levi wipe his face when he got the smooch on stage 2?

    Now if they had some hot fixie-riding SF babes up there I'd start training for the next tour right now. Teehee...

  3. I would probably not push the issue. Could be podium guys. :-P

  4. I forgot to mention: I watched a podium girl catch Levi Leipheimer in Santa Cruz. He pushed hard for his 2nd place finish, started ascending his podium on the stage when it looked like he almost passed out and keeled right over into the blonde, who caught him in her arms then helped him up.

  5. So frustrating they have such airheads which get such a cool job. There are plenty of cute girl cyclists that would appreciate and value the role much better than these girls. "i mean"..."You know"..."really"??
