Thursday, December 22, 2005

Bike for finances

Bicycling can save money and put some jingle in your pocketbook. Here's how.
  • Bicycling is much less expensive than many other recreational activities. After an initial investment of some equipment, incremental expenses are low. You don't need to travel to ride a bike. There are no use fees to pay or season passes or memberships to buy. It's not necessary to buy much special clothing specific to bicycling (unless you want to).
  • Gasoline is projected to shoot through and beyond $3 per gallon in 2006. Bicycling for common errands can save money on gas and wear-and-tear on your car or truck.
  • Many people save substantially more money by getting rid of one or more of the family motor vehicles.
  • Bicycling as part of an active lifestyle saves money by saving on your health expenses. Getting active can substantially decrease your risk of obesity-related diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and certain cancers. Besides direct health expenses, employers are begining to look at the health of prospective employees as part of the hiring decision. When you apply for life insurance, your health figures into the premium that is charged.
Some of these may seem to be a stretch, but taken together your financial savings are noticeable.

See related: ,

1 comment:

  1. Bike instead of car. Save lots of money. Check.

    Bike instead of gym membership. Check. I can't believe how expensive the membership I used to have was and how infrequently I'd want to use it and how much more fun biking is as a form of exercise, in fact I usually forget it is exercise until I do it to the obsessive point of getting worn out :)
