Friday, December 16, 2005

Syriana and the Natural Resources Defense Council

The Natural Resources Defense Council and Participant Productions -- producers of Syriana -- have teamed up to promote opportunities to break the chains of oil dependence.

The Break the Chains website outlines how dependent the United States is on oil consumption, focusing on transportation uses of oil. In their "How To" of breaking the chains, the NRDC outlines the usual list of ineffective solutions: hybrids, better fuel economy, and "alternative fuels" such as hydrogen and ethanol.

If you're wondering what I'm talking about regarding ineffective technologies, read Howard Kunstler's book The Long Emergency. Just don't read it before Christmas, because it's difficult and depressing reading.

If you want an early start on your post-holiday depression, you can read Kunstler's blog (strong language). Another resource that will challenge everything you believe is Tom Wayburn's dematerialism blog.

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