Monday, March 5, 2007

Divinely inspired bicycle blog

Masiguy tagged me and now I need to give five reasons why I blog.

There's really only one reason: I cooked a grilled cheese sandwich and saw a likeness of the flying spaghetti monster in the sandwich. I could have sold this sandwich on eBay and made a mint, but instead I partaked of a simple communion, consuming the host and washing it down with a Dr Pepper.

The flying spaghetti monster appeared to me that night spectrally, in a dream. He was distressed at the fear generated by cyclists who continually talk about nothing except how dangerous cycling is. Everybody seems to have forgotten that cycling is fun and enjoyable. He commanded me to prophesy to the masses that riding bikes is fun. Cyclelicious was born of this supernatural visitation.

I guess I need to think of four more reasons, but what other reason do you need if you've straight from the flying spaghetti monster? Besides that, I'm in a class right now learning about the AMD64 architecture while simultaneously submitting certification results and reading bicycle blogs all at once, so I'm a little busy.

I'll tag: my friend Jerry, Tim Grahl, Shawn Kielty, Kiril, and the Cycle Dog. You guys now are supposed to give five reasons you blog.


  1. Ah, but I blog because I can brag about being one of the first on my block to find that really cool video of the secret life of bikes (that I got from a link from Team Estrogen)... and when there's completely ridiculous like the bra-shopping-bag I don't have to send horrible emails to all my friends about it and make them hate me. I can post it for all theworld to see, sparing my friends ;)

  2. You are priceless, my friend. Priceless!

  3. Don't you be makin' fun of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Fritz! He'll do the noodly medieval thing on ya!

  4. Your brilliance inspired me to write my own, my friend. ;-D

  5. Nice... I was once visited by the Care Bears after I drank a case of PBR.

  6. My biggest laugh today, Thanks Fritz. Truly brilliant.
